BUILT 関連ツイート
RT @MIRAI_MIZUE: The ground here is as soft as mayonnaise, so skyscrapers cannot be built.
ここの地盤はマヨネーズのように軟弱なので、高層ビルは建設できません https://t.co/…@aggneep 2020/10/19 20:56
RT @MIRAI_MIZUE: The ground here is as soft as mayonnaise, so skyscrapers cannot be built.
ここの地盤はマヨネーズのように軟弱なので、高層ビルは建設できません https://t.co/…@ChowderSweet 2020/10/19 21:03
♪The Hands That Built
America / U2
https://t.co/yK89RzxImz https://t.co/9o05nyllQF@RockbottomUFO 2020/10/20 01:33
RT @Cold_eLu: Epitaph - new Annihilation map - built by RichRamp https://t.co/XIEivGYiAI @YouTubeより
midがskyland…@__AisYu__ 2020/10/20 00:41
RT @ITM_BUILT: ダイテックらが月額が1人167円の現場管理クラウドを発売 https://t.co/z84u8uDu9o https://t.co/s6ZsBPkMKF
@compass_peak 2020/10/19 20:36