kaito 関連ツイート
@Kamowiththewind REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
#ARASHI IN THE SUMMER/Turning Up/Kaito/Kite/A-RA… https://t.co/Uc0tWRnq4D@millionkisses20 2020/10/20 01:28
REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
嵐 ARASHI / Turning Up/ IN THE SUMMER / kite kaito /… https://t.co/E2OUOoZK8F@mmmnimnomo 2020/10/20 01:30
@Ya12603551 REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
Can you imagine? ARASHI love us more than… https://t.co/EFwzhqTdiu@HuBJJOs8AnXY4e3 2020/10/20 01:31
REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
J-Pop to the world: ARASHI's dream is our dream. I believe it come… https://t.co/PycXAhVoGo@coco36386067 2020/10/20 01:25
REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
Please play "Whenever You Call" by ARASHI. I can't wai… https://t.co/wKYb2TQny2@murasaki0830sh2 2020/10/20 01:26