kaito 関連ツイート
RT @macha35186247: REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
@mew39426829 2020/10/20 01:27
Please play "Whenever You Call"
✨🗼 by #ARASHI
✨REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
@Sakuralovesars 2020/10/20 01:28
Because, ARASHI's songs are full of dream, love and positive fe… https://t.co/xxrqotAnWp
@0Mmn1 かわいい!
@kaito_1337 2020/10/20 01:30
REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
@Miya37562283 2020/10/20 01:28
嵐 ARASHI / Turning Up/ IN THE SUMMER / kite kaito /… https://t.co/7vPGPQstAQ
RT @mikanmomo0422: REQUEST @arashi5official @MTV #FridayLivestream
@LUKIARS2 2020/10/20 01:31
嵐 ARASHI / Turning Up/ IN THE SUMMER / kite kaito / When…